Hey! Abdullah here.

I find joy in creating new experiences for people that help solve their problems!

Hey! Abdullah here.

I find joy in creating new experiences for people that help solve their problems!

Hey! Abdullah here.

I find joy in creating new experiences for people that help solve their problems!

My Philosophy 🌟

"Believe in the potential for goodness and happiness, and see it igniting a ripple effect that inspires and uplifts others! "

"Believe in the potential for goodness and happiness, and see it igniting a ripple effect that inspires and uplifts others! "

About Me 🚀

"A designer with a developer's eye and a storyteller's heart."

So I am big on stories, and I love to get into deep conversations. Whether personal or professional. And I attribute that to my analytical sense of nature. I break down complex things into small chunks and work on them one at a time. And this has helped me go into many different work roles and life.

By education, I am a software engineer and have worked as one for a while. But my true calling has been design. It's not something I am passionate about because of visuals and the outcomes. But it's the connection with the human mind and psychology that dazzles me. I believe there is something very magical about this intersection. And I'm exploring more on it each day!

My engineering background has helped me a lot in my role as a designer and new pivots as well. Right now, I'm at a fast-paced startup service provider. It's challenging and exciting all at the same time. I'm going with the flow and can't wait to see all the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Oh, and hey, want to take a peek at my work as an software engineer? Here's a classic "Hello World!" to get you started!

"A designer with a developer's eye and a storyteller's heart."

So I am big on stories, and I love to get into deep conversations. Whether personal or professional. And I attribute that to my analytical sense of nature. I break down complex things into small chunks and work on them one at a time. And this has helped me go into many different work roles and life.

By education, I am a software engineer and have worked as one for a while. But my true calling has been design. It's not something I am passionate about because of visuals and the outcomes. But it's the connection with the human mind and psychology that dazzles me. I believe there is something very magical about this intersection. And I'm exploring more on it each day!

My engineering background has helped me a lot in my role as a designer and new pivots as well. Right now, I'm at a fast-paced startup service provider. It's challenging and exciting all at the same time. I'm going with the flow and can't wait to see all the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Oh, and hey, want to take a peek at my work as a software engineer? Here's a classic "Hello World!" to get you started!

How I spend my downtime

For some who doesn't like to go out much but also like to go out much, it's always a dilemma. But still, I try to do different stuff in my free time. Work on maintaining an open-source dev project super forms-rn. Challenge my inner athlete by playing soccer as much as I can give time to it. Have candid discussions with my friends and family. And lately trying to get back in the habit of reading books. It's in these moments of leisure and connection that I try to find true joy and fulfillment.

For some who doesn't like to go out much but also like to go out much, it's always a dilemma. But still, I try to do different stuff in my free time. Work on maintaining an open-source dev project super forms-rn. Challenge my inner athlete by playing soccer as much as I can give time to it. Have candid discussions with my friends and family. And lately trying to get back in the habit of reading books. It's in these moments of leisure and connection that I try to find true joy and fulfillment.

Ps: I am searching for a higher purpose in life, haven't found one yet, but I am enjoying my journey looking for it. It's not all good and it isn't bad. But it's an experience and I am learning a lot.

Ps: I am searching for a higher purpose in life, haven't found one yet, but I am enjoying my journey looking for it. It's not all good and it isn't bad. But it's an experience and I am learning a lot.

I'm also available for freelance work!I'm also available for freelance work!
I'm also available for freelance work!I'm also available for freelance work!

Want to connect, need help with something, or share some thoughts?